notes to the gallery:
{1} the gallery contains my personal favourites, i.e. the 404s
are arranged absolutely subjective to the categorys "funky", "freaky", "funny" and "misc".
{2} there are screenshots for each 404 site, but it's possible that some screenshots (and some
404 sites) are not up to date (also 404sites can be "dead")
it would be nice, you tell me, if the 404site does not fit with the screenshot i've used there.
[or even when it's a "dead link"]
{3} if you know any 404 site that would fit in my gallery, please use the form and I'll take a look!

| 132 |
+ | 81 |
+ |
75 |
+ | 94 |
= | 382
| 404s total |